I’m sure I could go on for hours on what you would need to successfully survive an undead armageddon, but I won’t. The purpose here is to help you gather what you and your loved ones would need to make it through the first couple of days. After that, well you are on your own. So that being said, here’s some items you might want to have stashed away in a safe, easy to get to place. It never hurts to be ready, and these things are important to have ready for any kind of disaster or emergency.
- Water: You will need at least one gallon of water per person per day for no less than three days. That should be enough to cover both drinking and sanitation.
- Non perishable food. Again, enough for three or more days.
- A can opener for the food.
- A first aid kit.
- A flashlight with extra batteries.
- Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties. This is for personal sanitation uses.
- Some way to make a fire, like matches in a waterproof container.
- A whistle to signal for help.
- Local maps.
- A weapon of some kind. You will need it for fighting off the zoms after all, right?
So take the time this year and get a survival kit put together if you don’t already have one. After all, whether it’s a natural disaster or a real zombie apocalypse you can never be too prepared to take on the end of the world. I’m just sayin’.
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