Monday, June 18, 2012

Man's Best Freind

This last week has been a very hard one for our family. Glen, one of our beloved pugs got suddenly and severely ill. Unfortunately it was not something he has able to recover from, and we had to let him go. Though it was not an easy choice, it was the humane one. He became part of our family as a hyper loving pup of about a  year old. Now, six years later, it’s hard to believe he is gone. But the happiness and love he brought into our lives will never be forgotten.

The joys of having a dog in your life are countless. Though there are drawbacks as well, for me and every other dog lover, the pros far outweigh the cons. I have owned lots of different kinds of pets. From dogs and cats to snakes and rats, I am an animal lover through and through. But nothing can beat the feeling of being loved by a dog. They are called man’s best friend for a reason. Dogs are loyal and trusting. The love they give to you is unconditional and all encompassing. If you want to feel special, love a dog. Yes, they shed. And yes, there most definitely will be accidents now and then, but when you are down and feeling like the whole world is out to get you, a dog will always be on your side. An unwavering companion through the good times and bad. A dog will weather any storm with you, comfort you when you are hurting, and will be right by your side when you are sick. They will forgive all your bad moods with nothing more than a good scratch behind the ears.

I truly believe dogs are angels, and if we are lucky enough, we get the chance to share our lives with them. Glen was a good boy. He did his job, and brightened our lives. Though seven years seems far too short, I am grateful for every day we had with him. When he wandered out of those woods and into our lives, we were blessed. Thank you Glen, you were a very good dog.

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